Saturday, January 4, 2014


Hello Guys, 

Blog's friends..


How are you today dear? hehehe okay, you can see.. is there anything strange? or weird? Yeah, sure. This is the first time I want to use English here, in this blog. Although my Bad English is annoying for you guys, I'm so sorry if I have some word mistake in here, you can post your comment in this window and give me some motivation words. but I would like to try, so I hope in the future I can speak English very well early as you guys. hehehe, you know.. the beginner. So, let's check it out with our new brand, is that clear? :D


So, as on tittle, maybe blog's friends is confused about that tittle. yeah, I'm pretty sure that Indonesia has two season, Rainy and Summer. so, just read this weird story. I would like to share about my story as usual. Actually, this is about my holiday at Desember, 2012. hehehe, it's so long time ago, it's very late post. so, let's get started. On December, actually I'm confused where I must spend my holiday. I'm so bored if I'm just stay in home, with my pillow and TV. so, when I received a messsage from my lovely brother-in-law, mas Hendra and my lovely sister, yuk Reni. I'm very happy to read the message. Because the message is contains something that they would be happy if me, my mother, and my father go to their home in Jakarta.


Actually, I'm happy. Besides I could spend my holiday, I can meet them. you know blog's friends.. I don't want to spend my time in bed and I'm miss them and my little nephew, Naufal. so, we accepted that invitation and went to Jakarta early. Alhamdulillah, We had a safe trip, take ourself to the house, and take a bath is the first thing that I did on my first day in Jakarta. it's so refreshing, right blog's friends?-_-


The second day, my sister asked me to go to great place. And the answer that I say when I heard that offer is 'YES!!'-_- so me, yuk Reni, and mas Hendra went to a big Mall in Jakarta, that we called 'Taman Anggrek'. it's so amazing to came to that place. And I thought this is December, when the winter is coming. So I could see many winter outfits at the first place in our plan, 'Candy Land'. the first thing that I thought at that is take a photo. hehehe :D



Welcome Candy Land!!



 you know, it's just a photo :D



The big candies was ready for serve~



 Candies Palace, cool!


And our second stop that I would be happy to go is winter festival. it's was cool man!! I can see many big winter dolls or I called 'Doru'. Not far from the first place.



Yellow Doru, Me, Red Doru



Me and Blue Doru, hehe



Naufal, mas Hendra, and me


 And the last place for my climax holiday is the Sky Rink. you know blog's friends? yeah, as the name, we can play sky on here. hehe, actually that was the first time I play the sky. I'm so embarrased when I get down and clash the ice. But it was very cool and cold place. 



The begginer skier, xoxoxo :D



take care for balance :p


And than, that was our Winter tour, we went back to home at 6 p.m. so long~ and I would really like to say thank you very much for that weekend, my sister, brother-in-law, and my little Naufal. it was so beautiful condition to remembered.


See you next post blog's friends :)



1 comment:

  1. Woow, ini dia yang cari, terima kasih atas postingannya ...
