Wednesday, November 21, 2012



By : Rony Wiranto

*Sambil Baca Sambil Dengar

Sarasvati - Story Of Peter
Once upon a time in the house of mystery, May, Nam, Shong, and Lao, went to May’s villa in a holiday. In the journey, they were lost in the jungle and then they must have to go to another villa in the jungle that they arrived. And there was a lot of problems that could kill them over there.
(In the middle of the night, at the jungle)
Lao : Are you sure that we can save here? This is a jungle which has a lot of liar animals!
May : Don’t worry! I have known this way before.
Nam: But now is 12.00 a.m.!
May : I say don’t worry. Wait....where should we go? To right or left?
All : But you said that you knew this way very well before.
May : Hehe...look...there is a house right there. Wanna go there?
All : Sure...
(In The House)
Nam : I’m scared..
Shong : Don’t worry, there is no ghost in here anyway!
Nam : Nope...
Nam : Aaaahhh....(scream)
All : Aaaaaaaa...(scream) what’s up?
Wen : A..aa..aa..Le xue kai le
Shong : You can speak English?
Wen : I...can...speak...English...but..not...very...well
May : You speak Chinese? Lai chong xue le?
Wen : Tien tou xie lao cao di..
Nam : What does it mean?
Shong : he said that he is a maid of this house
Nam : oh.. I see
Wen : Excuse me...
Shong : Wait, can you accompany us to meet the host?
Wen : Of course... Come on..!
(And then, all of people meet the host, the host’s name is Logh)
Logh : What are you doing here?
Wen : I..Just..accompany them to.. meet you.. sir
Logh : Haiaa... Kai xue jaio men hao.. Lae tong kou san! SO Fool YOU!!
Wen : Xiao men hao..
Logh : Lou tou kai xue le.. xue xiaimei!
Wen : Xie xie..
Logh : Go out!
Wen : Xie..
(Wen Go Out..)
Logh : Ah.. sorry for listening that.. What can I do for you guys?
May : Can we stay in here for tonight? We’re was confused about the street, actually..
Logh : Ah, Sure.. Why not? Where do you from?
Shong : We’re from England and We’re here to go to May’s Villa in China, but in the journey we’re....
Logh : Oh.. I see.. alright.. you can stay in here.. Any things that I can help again?
Lao : No, Thank you very much,,
Logh : Okay, Wen will accompany you to take your rooms, Wen?? Wen??
Wen : Xie.. Lao di?
Logh : tou xie lao cao men hao ai ni.. jiao men hao..
Wen : Xia mei?
Logh : Tou xie lao cao men ai..
Wen : Chier mey lao xiao di men hao..
(And then Wen accompany them. After that, Wen will be back to his room. But then, May was gone)
Shong : May...! Where are you?
Nam : May be she’in toilet. Let me find her..
(And Nam was searched May.. In the journey....)
Nam : Aarrggggghh....!!
Lao : What’s up?
Shong : Find her now.. Go!
Nam : Aaah... Ahhhhhhh....
( Lao and Shong run but then there was a unknown girl attacked Shong)
Shong : Aaaaargghhhh.....Auwwww...
Lao : Shong! Shong!
(Then the unknown girl has been killed Shong and Lao run away from her but Lao was attacked by the unknown girl at her leg)
Lao : leg...I must run away
(Nam was surprised and screamed because she saw Mr. Logh died)
Nam : Help me!
(suddenly that unknown girl attacked her from behind and Nam died)
Nam : Aaarggghhh.... Aa..ahr..ahhhrg...
(Lao run and run...but in the way Lao has founded May in the kitchen and May is unconcious, then she woke her up)
Lao : May! May! (And May woke up)
May : What are you doing? Where I am?
Lao : Oh My gosh! Thanks god...We must go!
(suddenly Wen come in)
Lao and May : Wen?? You are here??
Wen : Yeah...I..don’t..know..what..happened... What..happen..?
Lao : Nope..We must go! Go! Hurry Up!!!!
May : Hurry..
(Then they ran to find the way out. Suddenly....)
Lao : That is the girl! Who have kill all of my friends, actually..
May : No!!!
The girl : No ..I’m not.. Wait, I don’t under......
Lao : Don’t lie! I saw you killed my friends.
The girl : What do you.... Ahhhhhhrg...
(The girl was attacked by stan gun and died)
May : Nooo.... What’s up??
(Suddenly there is.....)
Wen : look that?
May : What the hell is it?
Lao : Impossible! You are....
Wen : Of course I am....I am the murderer of those guys...
May : So you are....????
Wen : I’m ghost...I just make some actings and disguise as the girl to kill all of you...hahahahaha...
May : Why? Why you so....
Wen : In the past, in 1756 my mom and dad bought me a house. I live here for along time ago. I was happiness but Mr. Logh was envious and burnt this house and my family. And I should revenge that...I know that some of you are not involved in this story but I should wipe all of evidents. So I am sorry girls... I should Kill you!
May : Nooooooo.....
Lao : Go..Go.. Hurry Up!!
(they run away and search for the way out. But May was attacked by Wen in her foot. And when Wen wanna kill May, Lao was saved May and Lao was Died by Wen)
May : Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lao?? Lao??
Lao : Now, You’re..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
May : No.. I must go and find the.. that’s the way out.... Hurry..
May was founded the way out, May was saved from that haunted house. In the morning, the police founded all the victims. And that tragedy is troume feel for May. May was take in Ambulance and was unconcioused. And in the journey, she woke up.. but after that.. When she look into the driver and doctor in Ambulance, She was knew what they are..)
May : Waaa... Wait.. You’re All is...
Wen : I wanna taking you to come to my haunted house again... Please WELCOME>> HAHAHAHAHAHA...

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